Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Opinion script...tell me whatcha think! :)

GLENDA My father suffers from severe pain…no, he doesn’t have cancer or a rare type of medical illness… my father is a victim of persecution…and not because of his faith, but his trouble communicating to people through “our” language. You see my dad’s from Peru…and YES he’s LEGAL! But something happened when he got in the immigration line at the airport, he wasn’t seen as a child of God anymore… he was seen as an immigrant…a minority. I don’t remember when I realized that my mom was white and my dad was dark. But I do remember sitting on a stool in the dish room of a Marriott hotel watching my dad wash dishes along with the other Latinos and wondering why those nice guys weren’t out on the main floor ringing up orders. Whose rule was it that you HAVE to speak English in America? I understand that English is the primary language here, but why do we have to force other people to lose a part their culture? God made us different and yet he made us in his image… so why do we judge? What happened to equality? What happened to the land of the free? We’re all immigrants, and we all have had some family member in the past or present who’ve struggled. I think the White Stripes couldn’t have put it better when singing, “White Americans, what? Nothing better to do? Why don’t you kick yourself out? You’re an immigrant too.”