Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I <3 Barbie Dolls

FIRST OFF: let me say that I'm sorry that I didn't post last week, I have no excuse except forgetfulness...which is a REAL burden! But hopefully you all can forgive me and let me explain what I think I'm going to be doing for this Thrusday's (1/29/09) assignment.


1. Choose a real product, research info about the company and tis products online.

2. Develop an original ad campaign for the product.

3. Prepare a copy platform for your product/campaign.

4. Develop a creative 30 second radio spot that first your platform strategy.

5. Bring latest electronic draft to next class

Now as you can guess, I'm not going to put all of my assignment on here... in fact I'm not putting any of my assignment in this blog at all! I am just going to explain my reasoning and strategy behind my product that I have chosen... BARBIE DOLLS!!!

When I found our assignment was to find an actual product and create an original ad campaign for first reaction was, "Seriously? Where am I going to find ANYTHING that can spark my imagination to MAKE a campaign?" So.. I sat in the Mac lab for oh.. I'd say 2 minutes after Dr. King told us our assignment...and I recieved "my vision".

As a kid, I grew up with seriously 100 Barbie dolls... I even had a HUGE tub that my parents bought at Wal-Mart that barely held all of them. So why NOT do my campaign on Barbie dolls? I mean the real reason I started my Barbie-mania was because my grandma gave me her old Barbie doll.

I think that for my campaign, I will try to show/emphasize that Barbie dolls are
NOT a thing of the past, but a toy that most young girls like to play with. Even though some may argue that Barbie dolls promote anorexia or "the perfect image" a woman is to uphold, I think that Barbie dolls, like Hot Wheels for boys, create imagination and spark creativity.

With this assignment I hope to bring emotion and a type of love to the table that will impact my listeners to understand the meaning of family and of imagination. I plan to do so by having a two or more voice ad, one voice being a young girl and the other being her grandmother. I strongly believe in family and connectivity within the generations and I think that with this piece I can try to fill in the gap between generations.