Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ads, Promos and PSAs...OH MY!!!

Before this class I NEVER knew what went on in a writer's brain when they were planning their scripts out!

Even the simple little catch phrases or jingles that are on the radio and/or tv... there's so much work that the normal person doesn't even get to see or experience! All the planning in preparation for even just a short PSA takes SOOOOOO much work and takes SOOOOOOO much personal creativity and knowledge of communication. Reaching different demographics is very challenging to me, yet I find it very invigorating because I'm able to be in another person's shoes and try to think the way that they would.

Honestly, the hardest part for me is to make sure that my creative thoughts get written on paper the way I envisioned them to be. There are times that I have a really hard time putting my thoughts and personal emotions out of my brain and just start writing for the "client". For example when Dr. King asked us this week to write two sweepers and one thirty second promo for the radio station, I felt pretty uneasy about the whole assignment. I only listen to my iPod/iPhone/iTunes when I'm here on campus and when I'm actually listening to the radio it's usually an oldies station. That and I really don't get into the whole "christian" music scene. I never have and sure I have a select few bands that I like that are considered appropriate by the radio station...but still. Writing for the radio station that I never really listened to...let alone have been active with, was very difficult. But the research that I put into it was pretty thorough. I listened to about 5 straight hours of The Fortress on 94.3. HOLY COW!!! My rear hurt after my "research". :P But it helped me because I was able to actually experience what the "client" was trying to sell and what they wanted to bring out in their promo.

That's all I can think of for now! :)

TTFN!!!! <3 Glenda